ELA PBL Annotated Bibliographies
Dunn, Jeff. “The Teacher’s Guide To Keeping Students Safe Online.” http://www.edudemic.com. edudemic, 24 Oct. 2011. Web. 1 May, 2014.
This website gives examples of how a teacher can protect students from internet harm by setting boundaries. Not only does Dunn, the author, talk about setting boundaries on school devices, but also on the students’ personal devices. Dunn tells how to create a no-judgement classroom environment, where kids won’t laugh at each other or be teased for anything. Dunn also explains how to encourage appropriate internet usage by going over appropriate ways to use the internet. This website would be extremely useful to any teacher, no matter the age they teach, that would visit this website.
Welham, Holly. “How Can Schools Engage Students In e-Safety? – Live Chat.” http://www.theguardian.com. theguardian, 31 Jan. 2014. Web. 5 May, 2014.
This site was explaining a few of the dangers of cyberbullying and internet safety that young kids around the ages of five or so might come across. This website was promoting a live chat where the speakers would tackle these issues of how to protect young children while on the internet at school and at home. The live chat was scheduled for February 4th, so it has already passed. I think this website, which leads to a live chat, would be a great resource for teachers looking to teach on how to stay safe on the internet.
Hertz, Mary. “How To Teach Internet Safety To Younger Elementary Kids.” http://www.edutopia.org. The George Lucas Educational Foundation, 4 Jun. 2012. Web. 1 May, 2014.
In this blog-post by Hertz, she is giving a lesson-type idea to kindergartners on how to deal with online strangers. Hertz suggests asking questions such as: “What is a stranger?” “What kinds of things should we not tell a stranger?” “What kinds of things are okay to tell a stranger?” and “Are there strangers online?” But making sure to help them realize the correct answers and realizations.