Extreme Emotion Essay
Ever wonder, while in a state of rage at the office, exactly why the computer has to be so extremely slow? Whether attempting to control rage in an office like seen previously or dealing with the death of a loved one, correctly dealing with “explosions” of extreme emotion is vital in life. Thus, it is important to effectively deal with extreme emotion in order to build trust in relationships and efficiently function as a role model to those watching.
Having friendships, acquaintances, and simply relationships in general that are focused on trust start with a foundation built by controlling extreme emotions. For example, a trust between husband and wife is mainly due in part to their I-love-you-no-matter-what love for one another. In loving relationships and friendships, both people involved in the relationship have a motivation that is driving them to build trust with the other person. As a result, in relationships such as between husband and wife, both husband and wife have an accountability partner to help wisely deal with outbursts of extreme emotion. In addition, trust in work-related relationships such as a boss has with his employees is built by practicing the utmost level of patience. For example, for a boss to build a sense of trust with new employees, he must be patient with them by doing things like walking them through their questions, slowly showing them what needs to be done, and cutting them some slack as they learn. This type of patience can go a long way in building a positive foundation that can effectively allow the person to ward off “explosions” when extreme emotion knocks at the front door. By building trust in relationships through love and patience, wisely responding to extreme emotion can be a springboard which increases the depth of both current and future friendships.
Dealing with extreme emotion is likewise important because it maintains the status of being a role model to those who may be watching. For example, imagine a gym filled with energetic middle-schoolers bouncing off the walls attempting to play an extremely complicated game such as cricket. Whoever steps up and suggests to play a game of dodge ball and explains how to is practicing leadership. To be a role model, one must portray leadership by stepping up when either all hope is lost or when things seem to just completely be heading in the wrong direction. Therefore, by effectively dealing with circumstances of anger and confusion, one is put in a better position to become or maintain the status of being a role model. In addition, sports legends such as Michael Jordan and Tim Tebow had to rally their teams, using leadership, to win the national championships that they did. Take away leadership from the equation and they have virtually nothing left over to maintain their status of being a role model. By wisely dealing with sporadic spouts of extreme emotion, a person now has the ability to maintain the position of being a role model by showing both leadership and strength.
Imagine that dealing with the computer in the office went over smoothly because a history of practicing patience and leadership had built a solid foundation, and thus, the situation was handled wisely. A blow-up was squelched, a crisis avoided, and a job saved.