Lawn Mowing Business Poem
You might think I’m just
a short, lazy, boring 15-year-old boy
with blonde hair
and blue eyes
But I am much more
much much more than that
not a basketball or table
not an animal or sport
A Lawn-Mowing Business
stinky in the sticky summer
painfully inconvenient in the early morning
wanting more when bad pay days come
Like crooked, tired machines dying out
But I eventually become alive
a repetitive series of
management, work, equipment, movement
Broad blades cutting sometimes uneven, hilly grass
The attempt at the perfecto combination of the
mower, weedeater, trimmer, blower
Feeling as high as clouds
noticing bank figures from hard work
I smile and enjoy my work
and move on
I refill the gas tanks
take a quick break
and begin again
For some five times a day
six days a week
The blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy
is a Lawn-Mowing Business
A repetitive, well-paying Lawn-Mowing Business