About Me
My name is Andrew and I am going to be telling you a little bit about myself. My goals for this year are to be a point guard for White Oak, to lead someone to Christ, and to improve at basketball. My career goals is also a really tough one, but I would have to pick three specific goals. They would be to find a job that I love, be successful and give generously, and also to lead people to Christ. If I could live anywhere…. Ooooh, that’s a tough one. Probably Jamaica, I love how it’s on the ocean and it’s SO beautiful. A few adults I admire are my mom, my dad, and my older brother, Josh. They are all great, Christian role models to me. If I could change anything about the world, hmmmmm, I would probably have peace throughout the whole world, freedom, and for everyone to become followers of Christ.
In my spare time I enjoy playing basketball, frisbee golf, and hanging out with friends.
These are some of the talents and traits that make me myself.